Non invasive carboxy teraphy

Carbon dioxide has unique biological properties and, in acceptable amounts, is essential for the normal function of all tissues in the body.


Carbon dioxide therapy has been around for a long time, has gained great popularity in the treatment of numerous conditions and continues to be used with great success in many areas of medicine. In cosmetology, using non-invasive carboxytherapy, specialists have a wide range of possibilities to reduce and solve many aesthetic problems.


  • Hyperkeratosis
  • Excessive dryness or flakiness of the skin
  • Skin flaccidity
  • Wrinkles and visible signs of photoageing, ageing
  • Blackheads, acne and post-acne blemishes.
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Pigmentation changes
  • Uneven skin tone
    Swelling and microcirculation disorders
  • Local lymphostasis or haemostasis
  • Skin lesions, moderate acne, post-acne


  • Improving blood and lymph flow

  • Dilation of blood vessels and formation of new ones

  • Increasing the concentration of oxygen in the blood and supplying it to all cells, organs and tissues of the body

  • Induction of T lymphocytes to maintain the homeostasis of the immune system or immune response (inhibition of the inflammatory process)

  • Acceleration of metabolism and cell respiration

  • Excretion of unnecessary metabolites and toxins from the body
    Maintaining the acid-base balance in the body

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